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aventinus generalia Nr. 22 [30.01.2014] / historia.scribere 1 (2009), S. 181-195
Ulrike Gärtner
Dichtung und „Wahrheit“
Die Entwicklung einer kritischen Geschichtswissenschaft
The following seminar paper deals with the formation of legends in the Middle Ages and the development of a critical historical science. Since this is a wide-ranging topic the aim of this paper is limited to answering the following questions: Why were historical occurrences written down in the Middle Ages? Did one use what we nowadays call “scientific resources”? What was the aim of passing on legends? And: Is it possible to compare the medieval writing of history to modern historiography?
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Empfohlene Zitierweise
Gärtner, Ulrike: Dichtung und „Wahrheit“. Die Entwicklung einer kritischen Geschichtswissenschaft. aventinus generalia Nr. 22 [30.01.2014] / historia.scribere 1 (2009), S. 181-195, in: aventinus, URL: http://www.aventinus-online.de/no_cache/persistent/artikel/9841/
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Erstellt: 30.01.2014
Zuletzt geändert: 31.01.2014